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#DC143C Crimson
#FF007F Rose
#E34234 Vermilion
#FF6F61 Coral
#800020 Burgundy

red flowers

Palette Description


1. Crimson - #DC143C - A rich, deep red that symbolizes love and passion, reminiscent of blooming red roses. 2. Rose - #FF007F - A vibrant pinkish-red, evoking the fresh and lively spirit of blooming flowers in spring. 3. Vermilion - #E34234 - A bright, warm red with orange undertones, perfect for capturing the essence of fiery blossoms. 4. Coral - #FF6F61 - A soft, warm red with hints of pink and orange, conveying a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. 5. Burgundy - #800020 - A dark, muted red that adds depth and sophistication, reminiscent of luxurious velvet flower petals. This color palette captures the essence of vibrant red flowers, combining bright and deep shades to create a dynamic and passionate feel. What specific application do you have in mind for this color palette? (e.g., website design, branding, event decor, etc.)