Huehive Logo


#D0E8F2 Background
#1A4D63 Text
#0095B7 Primary Action
#FF7F50 Secondary Action
#A4D6E1 Crystal
#FFD700 Gold
#4DB6AC Data Visualization
#F9C2B2 Dashboard Highlight


Palette Description

1. Background - 
                         - A soft, tranquil light blue that emulates the calmness of coastal waters, providing a serene backdrop.
2. Text - 
                         - A deep teal that offers excellent contrast against the background, ensuring readability while reflecting coastal depth.
3. Primary Action - 
                         - A vibrant ocean blue that stands out for primary buttons, evoking a sense of energy and action.
4. Secondary Action - 
                         - A lively coral that provides a warm contrast for secondary actions, adding a cheerful touch to the interface.
5. Accent Color 1 - 
                         - A soft sky blue that can be used for highlights or accents, reminiscent of clear coastal skies.
6. Accent Color 2 - 
                         - A bright golden yellow that adds a sunny warmth, ideal for borders or to draw attention to important elements.
7. Data Visualization - 
                         - A refreshing teal green that is great for charts and graphs, maintaining a cohesive coastal aesthetic.
8. Dashboard Highlight - 
                         - A light peach that can be used to highlight key data points, providing a soft contrast without being overpowering.

This coastal color palette captures the essence of seaside environments with tranquil blues, vibrant corals, and warm yellows. The colors are carefully selected to ensure high contrast for readability and usability, making them suitable for web applications and data visualizations.

Would you like to see any specific applications or examples of how to use these colors in your design? Or is there another theme or variation you’re interested in exploring?