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#f4f9fb Background
#1c2e4f Text
#a2c8e0 Secondary Action
#ffb74d Accent
#2d86ba Mediterranean Blue

Blue Harmony

Palette Description

Based on the provided color ( #2d86ba ), I will create a web-friendly color palette that complements this blue shade. This palette will include colors for background, text, primary action, secondary action, and accent, while ensuring WCAG 2.1 color contrast compliance.

 <Blue Harmony>
1. Background - 
                         - A soft, light blue that provides a clean and calming backdrop for the interface.
2. Text - 
                         - A dark navy blue that ensures high readability against the background color, creating a strong contrast.
3. Primary Action - 
                         - The provided blue color, used for primary buttons and actions, drawing attention and encouraging interaction.
4. Secondary Action - 
                         - A lighter, complementary blue that can be used for secondary buttons or links, offering a subtle contrast.
5. Accent - 
                         - A warm golden orange that adds vibrancy and can be used for highlights or important notifications, contrasting well with the blues. 

Description of the Palette:

This color palette, named “Blue Harmony,” creates a balanced and inviting interface by utilizing various shades of blue complemented by a warm accent color. The light background provides a calming feel, while the dark text ensures readability. The primary and secondary action colors maintain a cohesive look, encouraging user interaction, while the accent color introduces an element of warmth and energy.

Follow-Up Questions:

  1. What type of application or website will this color palette be used for?
  2. Are there any specific emotions or themes you want to convey through this design?
  3. Do you have any additional colors or styles in mind that you would like to incorporate?