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#FFB6C1 Soft Pink
#FF7F50 Coral Orange
#FFC0CB Blush Pink
#FF8C00 Tangerine
#F7C6D7 Rose Quartz

Pink and Orange Delight

Palette Description

 <Pink and Orange Delight>
1. Soft Pink - 
                         - A gentle, pastel pink that evokes a sense of calm and sweetness.
2. Coral Orange - 
                         - A vibrant, warm orange with a hint of pink, full of energy and warmth.
3. Blush Pink - 
                         - A delicate, light pink that brings a romantic and soft touch.
4. Tangerine - 
                         - A bold, bright orange that is lively and eye-catching.
5. Rose Quartz - 
                         - A soft, muted pink with a hint of warmth, perfect for a subtle touch.

This color palette combines soft pinks and vibrant oranges, creating a balanced and lively atmosphere. It’s perfect for designs aimed at evoking warmth, joy, and playfulness.

What type of project are you considering using this palette for?