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#878A97 Soft Gray
#C3867C Dusty Rose
#B19F90 Warm Beige
#F9BF9B Light Coral
#A07468 Deep Teal

Split Complementary Palette for Earthy Tones

Palette Description

 <Split Complementary Palette for Earthy Tones>
1. Soft Gray - 
                         - A muted, calming gray that serves as a neutral base.
2. Dusty Rose - 
                         - A warm, muted pink that adds a touch of softness.
3. Warm Beige - 
                         - A light, earthy beige that complements the warmth of the palette.
4. Light Coral - 
                         - A gentle coral that brings a fresh, lively touch.
5. Deep Teal - 
                         - A rich teal that provides a striking contrast to the warm tones.

This color palette is designed around earthy tones, incorporating soft neutrals and a bold contrast. The palette offers a balance of warmth and depth, making it suitable for various applications, from branding to website design.

Would you like suggestions for specific applications of this palette, or do you have any other colors in mind that you want to explore further?