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#F1E3D3 Light Beige
#D6BFA6 Medium Beige
#C2B280 Olive
#C69C6D Tan
#4E3B31 Chocolate Brown

Skin Tones

Palette Description

 <Skin Tones>
1. Light Beige - 
                         - A soft, light shade representing fair skin.
2. Medium Beige - 
                         - A warm, medium tone resembling sun-kissed skin.
3. Olive - 
                         - A muted greenish-brown shade often seen in olive skin tones.
4. Tan - 
                         - A deeper, sun-tanned hue that conveys warmth.
5. Chocolate Brown - 
                         - A rich, dark brown reminiscent of deeper skin tones.

This color palette showcases a variety of skin tones, ranging from light to deep, which can be useful for applications in beauty, fashion, and inclusive design.

What specific application or project do you have in mind for this color palette?