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#F5E2D3 Light Beige
#D8B48B Medium Tan
#BFAF91 Olive
#4D3B30 Deep Brown
#5B3A29 Cocoa

Skin Tone Palette

Palette Description

To create a color palette that complements various skin tones, I will generate a versatile and inclusive palette that celebrates diversity.

 <Skin Tone Palette>
1. Light Beige - 
                         - A soft, warm tone that represents light skin with peach undertones.
2. Medium Tan - 
                         - A balanced tan that reflects a medium skin tone with golden undertones.
3. Olive - 
                         - A muted greenish-brown that suits olive skin tones with neutral undertones.
4. Deep Brown - 
                         - A rich, deep brown that embodies darker skin tones with warm undertones.
5. Cocoa - 
                         - A warm, deep cocoa shade that complements deeper skin tones with a reddish undertone.

This palette ranges from light to dark shades, making it suitable for various skin tones and providing options for designing beauty or fashion-related projects.

What specific application do you have in mind for this palette? Are you looking for makeup, fashion, or something else?