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#A50000 Red Blood Cell
#FFFFFF White Blood Cell
#F5B12A Platelet
#F2D6C4 Plasma
#C70039 Oxygenated Blood

Blood Elements Color Palette

Palette Description

 <Blood Elements Color Palette>
1. Red Blood Cell - 
                         - A rich, deep red representing the primary component of blood.
2. White Blood Cell - 
                         - A clean, pure white symbolizing the body’s defense mechanisms.
3. Platelet - 
                         - A soft yellowish hue that reflects the role of platelets in clotting.
4. Plasma - 
                         - A light beige that represents the liquid component of blood.
5. Oxygenated Blood - 
                         - A vibrant crimson reflecting blood that carries oxygen.

This color palette captures the essential elements of blood, with colors representing red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma, creating a cohesive and meaningful representation of the biological components of blood.

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