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#C65D3D Rust
#4A5A2A Olive Green
#8E4B3A Burnt Sienna
#D6A639 Mustard Yellow
#1F4D4F Deep Teal

Deep Autumn Wardrobe

Palette Description

 <Deep Autumn Wardrobe> 
1. Rust - 
                         - A warm, earthy orange that embodies the essence of autumn leaves.
2. Olive Green - 
                         - A muted green reminiscent of fallen foliage, bringing a natural touch.
3. Burnt Sienna - 
                         - A rich, deep brownish-red that adds warmth and depth to the palette.
4. Mustard Yellow - 
                         - A warm, golden yellow that evokes the glow of autumn sunlight.
5. Deep Teal - 
                         - A deep, sophisticated blue-green that adds a cool contrast to warm tones.

This color palette captures the rich, warm hues characteristic of a deep autumn type, offering a blend of earthy and vibrant colors suitable for clothing that reflects the season’s beauty.

What types of clothing or styles are you considering for this palette? Would you like any specific fabric or texture recommendations?