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#C72C41 Peppermint Red
#A4D8E1 Ice Blue
#99D14B Grasshopper Green
#FFC300 Sunbeam Yellow
#8A4EBA Twilight Purple
#FF6B5F Coral Peach

Adventure Time Ultimate

Palette Description

 <Adventure Time Ultimate>
1. Peppermint Red - 
                         - A bright, candy-like red that reflects the fun and zany spirit of Peppermint Butler and the Candy Kingdom.
2. Ice Blue - 
                         - A cool, icy blue that embodies the frosty landscapes and the character of Ice King.
3. Grasshopper Green - 
                         - A lively green that represents the vibrant ecosystems and playful adventures in the Land of Ooo.
4. Sunbeam Yellow - 
                         - A warm, radiant yellow inspired by the sunlit moments and joy shared by Finn and Jake.
5. Twilight Purple - 
                         - A mystical purple that captures the enchanting and mysterious aspects of the Land of Ooo at twilight.
6. Coral Peach - 
                         - A warm, coral peach that signifies the friendships and heartfelt moments experienced throughout their adventures.

This ultimate color palette expands on the “Adventure Time” theme by incorporating additional colors that resonate with various characters and their unique environments. It offers a richer spectrum to convey the magic and whimsy of the series.

What kind of designs or applications do you envision using this ultimate color palette for? Would you like to explore color combinations or gradients as well?