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#000000 Black
#444444 Dark Gray
#B0B0B0 Light Gray
#3B82F6 Blue

Roboto Color Palette

Palette Description

 <Roboto Color Palette>
1. Black - 
                         - A deep, rich black that represents sophistication and elegance.
2. Dark Gray - 
                         - A strong, neutral dark gray that adds depth and contrast.
3. Light Gray - 
                         - A soft, subtle light gray that provides balance and softness.
4. White - 
                         - Pure white that symbolizes simplicity and clarity.
5. Blue - 
                         - A vibrant blue that conveys trust and professionalism.

The Roboto Color Palette is designed to complement the modern and clean aesthetic of the Roboto typeface. It combines strong neutrals with a pop of color to create a versatile and contemporary look suitable for digital interfaces and branding.

Do you have specific applications in mind for this palette, such as web design or branding?