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#4682B4 Steel Blue
#5F9EA0 Cadet Blue
#87CEEB Sky Blue

#8B0000 (Deep Red) #006400 (Rich Green) #FFD700 (Vibrant Gold) #F5F5DC (Ivory) #D2B48C (Beige) #4B0082 (Dark Wood) #40E0D0 (Turquoise) #DA70D6 (Soft Pink) #FF8C00 (Burnt Orange)

Palette Description


1. Steel Blue - #4682B4 - A muted, medium blue that conveys a sense of calmness and stability, reminiscent of clear skies. 2. Cadet Blue - #5F9EA0 - A soft, muted blue-green that evokes feelings of tranquility and sophistication. 3. Sky Blue - #87CEEB - A light, airy blue that brings a sense of openness and positivity, like a bright sunny day. This color palette, "Serene Blues," is inspired by the peacefulness of the sky and water. It combines various shades of blue to create a soothing and refreshing atmosphere. What kind of design or project do you envision using this palette for?