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#000000 Black
#B0B0B0 Soft Gray
#D6A700 Mustard Yellow
#001F3F Deep Navy

Aesthetic Black & White

Palette Description

Here’s an updated color palette with new colors replacing Dusty Rose and Teal:

 <Aesthetic Black & White>
1. Black - 
                         - A deep, rich black that provides a strong foundation and contrast.
2. White - 
                         - A clean, pure white that creates space and balance.
3. Soft Gray - 
                         - A gentle gray that adds depth without overwhelming the palette.
4. Mustard Yellow - 
                         - A warm, muted yellow that adds a pop of brightness and energy.
5. Deep Navy - 
                         - A sophisticated navy blue that introduces a sense of stability and elegance.

This revised palette keeps the aesthetic black and white foundation while incorporating mustard yellow for a vibrant touch and deep navy for a classic yet modern feel. It strikes a balance between warmth, sophistication, and clarity, making it suitable for a dynamic report.

Would you like suggestions on how to apply these colors effectively in your report? Or do you have any further adjustments in mind?