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#FFD700 Golden Sun
#FFBF00 Amber Glow
#FF6F61 Coral Pink
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#6A5ACD Sunset Purple


Palette Description


1. Golden Sun - #FFD700 - A bright and warm golden yellow that radiates positivity and energy. 2. Amber Glow - #FFBF00 - A rich amber hue that evokes feelings of warmth and comfort, resembling a sunset. 3. Coral Pink - #FF6F61 - A soft and vibrant coral that adds a playful touch, reminiscent of the sun's reflection on water. 4. Sky Blue - #87CEEB - A calm and serene blue that represents the clear sky during a sunny day. 5. Sunset Purple - #6A5ACD - A deep, soothing purple that captures the twilight moments when the sun sets. This color palette combines warm and vibrant tones associated with sunlight, creating a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. What type of project are you considering using this color palette for?