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#A3C6E5 Lunar Blue
#C0C4C7 Silvery Gray
#1E1E2F Midnight Black
#F4F8FC Celestial White
#6F4C7A Twilight Purple


Palette Description

1. Lunar Blue - 
                         - A soft, calming blue reminiscent of the night sky.
2. Silvery Gray - 
                         - A gentle, muted gray that evokes the glow of moonlight.
3. Midnight Black - 
                         - A deep, rich black that represents the mystery of the night.
4. Celestial White - 
                         - A crisp, clean white that captures the essence of bright moonbeams.
5. Twilight Purple - 
                         - A muted purple that reflects the enchantment of dusk and dawn.

This color palette, “Moonshade,” draws inspiration from the serene and mystical qualities of the moonlit night. It combines soothing blues and grays with deep blacks and soft whites to create a tranquil and ethereal atmosphere.

What kind of project are you considering using this color palette for? Are there any specific feelings or themes you want to emphasize?