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#2C3E50 Header
#2980B9 Honolulu Blue
#27AE60 Green Mana
#3498DB Homeworld
#1ABC9C Turquoise
#E67E22 Pumpkin Cat
#F39C12 Cheddar
#E74C3C Sour Cherry
#C0392B Cadillac Coupe
#8E44AD Purple Pleasures
#9B59B6 Fuchsia Pheromone
#F1C40F Egg Toast
#ECF0F1 Beluga
#BDC3C7 Metallic
#95A5A6 Highlight Color
#7F8C8D Shadow Color
#D5DBDB Border Color
#FFFFFF Background Color

i need 19 colors for 1 header, two subheaders, and 8 categories under teh subheaders in different hues, with the 8 value associated ones to have lighter of those. make it tasteful

Palette Description

< Tasteful Hues for Hierarchical Structure >

  1. Header - #2C3E50 - A deep, sophisticated navy blue that conveys authority and professionalism.
  2. Subheader 1 - #2980B9 - A vibrant cerulean blue that adds a refreshing touch, suitable for drawing attention.
  3. Subheader 2 - #27AE60 - A calming emerald green that promotes trust and balance while complementing the blue.
  4. Category 1 - #3498DB - A lighter shade of cerulean blue, ideal for creating a soft visual impact.
  5. Category 2 - #1ABC9C - A pastel green that maintains the essence of emerald, offering a lighter variation.
  6. Category 3 - #E67E22 - A warm carrot orange that brings energy and enthusiasm to the palette.
  7. Category 4 - #F39C12 - A lighter shade of carrot orange, perfect for a gentle, inviting approach.
  8. Category 5 - #E74C3C - A bold, striking red that grabs attention and creates excitement.
  9. Category 6 - #C0392B - A softer, muted red that provides a more understated option for categories.
  10. Category 7 - #8E44AD - A rich violet that adds a touch of luxury and creativity to the mix.
  11. Category 8 - #9B59B6 - A lighter lavender that offers a more subtle and approachable hue.
  12. Accent Color 1 - #F1C40F - A bright sunflower yellow that brings a cheerful burst of energy.
  13. Accent Color 2 - #F39C12 - A medium honey gold that harmonizes well with the other bright hues.
  14. Neutral Color 1 - #ECF0F1 - A very light gray that provides a clean, modern backdrop for the colors.
  15. Neutral Color 2 - #BDC3C7 - A soft gray that can be used for text or secondary elements without distraction.
  16. Highlight Color - #95A5A6 - A muted teal that can be used for subtle highlights or borders.
  17. Shadow Color - #7F8C8D - A deeper gray that can create depth and contrast in the design.
  18. Border Color - #D5DBDB - A very light grayish blue for gentle delineation between categories.
  19. Background Color - #FFFFFF - A crisp white that ensures clarity and cleanliness throughout the design.

This color palette is designed to create a clear hierarchy while maintaining a tasteful aesthetic. Each category has a distinct hue with lighter variations to ensure visual differentiation without overwhelming the viewer.

What specific use case do you have for this color palette? Are there any particular design elements or contexts you want to focus on?