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#A3D5DB Crystal
#BDAA5E Canadian Maple
#E1C55A Duck Butter
#F4BFA0 Blushing Cinnamon
#2B2D42 Header
#8D99AE Moon Veil
#EDF2F4 Beluga
#D9BF77 Waffle Cone
#A8DADC Opal
#F5D05A Maize
#F8CBA6 Chai Latte
#B4C8DB Cloudy Valley
#FFE5D4 Blossom
#B9FBC0 Toxic Steam
#F7C6C7 Channel
#A8BFD4 Cloudy Valley
#FFDBCC Glazed Sugar
#A3E1B3 Celadon
#F2B2B5 Deeply Embarrassed

i need 19 colors for 1 header, two subheaders, and 8 categories under teh subheaders in different hues, with the 8 value associated ones to have lighter of those. make it tasteful

Palette Description

Thank you for the clarification! Here’s a refined color palette structured as you requested, focusing on categories and their corresponding values without any additional classifications.

< Mackenzie & Co. Structured Palette >

  1. Header - #2B2D42 - A deep, rich navy that embodies strength and confidence.
  2. Subheader 1 - #8D99AE - A sophisticated steel blue that adds a contemporary feel.
  3. Subheader 2 - #EDF2F4 - A very light, soft gray that complements the darker tones.

  4. Category 1 - #D9BF77 - A warm, muted gold for the category title.
    • Category 1 Value - #BDAA5E - A lighter shade of the warm gold for the associated value.
  5. Category 2 - #A8DADC - A tranquil light blue for the category title.
    • Category 2 Value - #A3D5DB - A lighter version of the tranquil blue for the associated value.
  6. Category 3 - #F5D05A - A gentle, muted yellow for the category title.
    • Category 3 Value - #E1C55A - A softer shade of the muted yellow for the associated value.
  7. Category 4 - #F8CBA6 - A soft peach for the category title.
    • Category 4 Value - #F4BFA0 - A lighter shade of the soft peach for the associated value.
  8. Category 5 - #B4C8DB - A light periwinkle blue for the category title under Subheader 2.
    • Category 5 Value - #A8BFD4 - A softer variation of the periwinkle blue for the associated value.
  9. Category 6 - #FFE5D4 - A delicate blush for the category title.
    • Category 6 Value - #FFDBCC - A lighter version of the blush for the associated value.
  10. Category 7 - #B9FBC0 - A pastel green for the category title.
    • Category 7 Value - #A3E1B3 - A softer shade of the pastel green for the associated value.
  11. Category 8 - #F7C6C7 - A muted coral for the category title.
    • Category 8 Value - #F2B2B5 - A lighter version of the muted coral for the associated value.

This palette provides a clear structure of categories with their associated values, ensuring clarity and elegance suitable for Mackenzie & Co.

What other details or adjustments would you like to make? Is there a specific tone or message you want to convey with this design?