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#FFB6C1 Light Pink
#98FF98 Mint Green
#E6E6FA Lavender
#FFD700 Sunflower Yellow
#87CEEB Sky Blue

Tiny Ping

Palette Description

 <Tiny Ping>
1. Light Pink - 
                         - A soft and gentle pink that evokes a sense of playfulness and innocence.
2. Mint Green - 
                         - A refreshing and vibrant mint green that adds a lively touch to the palette.
3. Lavender - 
                         - A light and calming lavender that brings in a sense of tranquility and whimsy.
4. Sunflower Yellow - 
                         - A bright and cheerful yellow that radiates happiness and warmth.
5. Sky Blue - 
                         - A light and airy blue that represents freedom and lightness.

This color palette is inspired by the playful and whimsical nature of “티니핑” (Tiny Ping), featuring soft pastels that create a cheerful and inviting atmosphere.

What specific design project do you have in mind for this color palette? Would you like to explore variations or additional colors?