Huehive Logo


#F5F5F5 Primary Background
#4A90E2 Header
#FFFFFF Subsection Background
#FFCC00 Target Highlight
#E74C3C Negative Values
#2ECC71 Positive Values
#B3B3B3 Border Lines

Profit and Loss Statement

Palette Description

 <Profit and Loss Statement>
1. Primary Background - 
                         - A light gray background that provides a clean and professional look, allowing data to stand out.
2. Header - 
                         - A calming blue for headers that conveys trust and professionalism, making it easy to identify sections.
3. Subsection Background - 
                         - A pure white for subsection backgrounds, ensuring clarity and separation of different areas of data.
4. Target Highlight - 
                         - A bright yellow that draws attention to values exceeding targets, ensuring they are easily noticeable.
5. Negative Values - 
                         - A strong red that indicates losses or negative values, making them immediately recognizable.
6. Positive Values - 
                         - A fresh green for profits or positive values, which promotes a positive financial outlook.
7. Border Lines - 
                         - A medium gray for border lines, providing subtle separation without being distracting.

This color palette is designed to enhance the readability and effectiveness of a profit and loss statement. The use of contrasting colors for positive and negative values aids in quick visual assessment, while the calming blue and clean background maintain a professional appearance.

What style or theme are you looking for in the overall design? Would you like to incorporate any specific branding colors?