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#FFB3BA Soft Pink
#B9FBC0 Light Mint
#A0D3E8 Baby Blue
#EAB8E4 Lavender Mist
#F6E49D Creamy Yellow

Pastel Dream

Palette Description

 <Pastel Dream> 
1. Soft Pink - 
                         - A gentle and soothing pink reminiscent of cotton candy. 
2. Light Mint - 
                         - A fresh and calming green that evokes feelings of tranquility. 
3. Baby Blue - 
                         - A serene blue that brings to mind clear skies and peaceful waters. 
4. Lavender Mist - 
                         - A soft lavender that adds a hint of whimsy and elegance. 
5. Creamy Yellow - 
                         - A warm and inviting yellow that radiates cheerfulness. 

This pastel color palette, “Pastel Dream,” evokes feelings of calmness and serenity, making it perfect for designs that aim to create a gentle and inviting atmosphere.

What type of project are you considering this color palette for? Would you like to explore variations or other themes?