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#FFB3C1 Soft Pink
#E1B7E0 Light Lavender
#B3E1D4 Mint Green
#FDFD96 Pale Yellow
#A2C2E2 Baby Blue

Pastel Palette

Palette Description

 <Pastel Palette>
1. Soft Pink - 
                         - A gentle and warm pink that evokes feelings of love and tranquility.
2. Light Lavender - 
                         - A soft lavender that adds a soothing and dreamy quality to the palette.
3. Mint Green - 
                         - A refreshing and cool green that brings a sense of calm and nature.
4. Pale Yellow - 
                         - A cheerful and soft yellow that adds brightness without overwhelming.
5. Baby Blue - 
                         - A light and airy blue that conveys a sense of peace and serenity.

This pastel palette is characterized by soft, muted tones that create a calm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for designs that aim to evoke feelings of comfort and serenity.

What kind of project are you planning to use this color palette for?