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#E6E6FA Foundation White
#FFC0CB Pink
#B0E0E6 Opal
#98FF98 Toxic Frog
#FFDAB9 Peach Puff


Palette Description

 1. Лавандовый - 
                         - A soft lavender hue that brings a calming and serene atmosphere. 
 2. Розовый - 
                         - A gentle pink that evokes feelings of warmth and affection.
 3. Нежно-голубой - 
                         - A light blue that represents tranquility and peace. 
 4. Мятный - 
                         - A fresh mint green that symbolizes renewal and freshness.
 5. Персиковый - 
                         - A soft peach color that adds a touch of warmth and sweetness.

This color palette, “Соня,” combines soft and gentle hues that evoke feelings of calmness, warmth, and serenity, making it perfect for designs focused on comfort and tranquility.

Could you provide more context on how you plan to use this palette? Is it for a website, branding, or perhaps an art project?