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#191970 Midnight Blue
#FF6600 Safety Orange
#808080 Graphite Gray
#50C878 Emerald Green
#FF0000 Signal Red


Palette Description

Color Palette:

1. Color Name: Midnight Blue
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This deep shade of blue resembles the color of the night sky, providing a sense of calmness and tranquility. It can be used to represent stability and reliability in traffic analysis visuals.

2. Color Name: Safety Orange
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This vibrant orange color is often associated with caution and safety. It can be used to highlight important elements or warnings in traffic analysis graphics, drawing attention and conveying a sense of urgency.

3. Color Name: Graphite Gray
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This neutral gray shade represents stability and sophistication. It can be used as a background color in traffic analysis presentations, providing a professional and sleek visual backdrop for the data and information.

4. Color Name: Emerald Green
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This lively shade of green symbolizes growth and balance. It can be used to represent positive aspects of traffic analysis, such as environmental sustainability or efficient traffic flow.

5. Color Name: Signal Red
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: This bold and intense red color is often associated with emergency signals. It can be used to highlight critical data or alarming trends in traffic analysis reports, drawing immediate attention and conveying urgency.