Huehive Logo


#007BFF Azure
#E32636 Transfusion
#708090 Chain Gang Grey
#333333 Carbon


Palette Description

Color Palette:

1. 主色 (Main Color):
   - Color Name: B端蓝色
   - Hex Code: 
   - Palette Description: This vibrant and energetic blue color is perfect for creating a professional and modern look for the backend interface. It exudes confidence and reliability.

2. 辅助色 (Accent Color):
   - Color Name: 红宝石色
   - Hex Code: 
   - Palette Description: The ruby red accent color adds a touch of sophistication and excitement to the interface. It can be used sparingly to draw attention to important elements or notifications.

3. 中性色 (Neutral Color):
   - Color Name: 石板灰
   - Hex Code: 
   - Palette Description: The slate gray neutral color provides a calm and professional backdrop to the interface. It is versatile and can be used for texts, borders, or subtle backgrounds.

4. 背景色 (Background Color):
   - Color Name: 雪白
   - Hex Code: 
   - Palette Description: The pure white background color creates a clean and minimalist look for the interface. It enhances readability and complements the other colors in the palette.

5. 字体颜色 (Text Color):
   - Color Name: 煤黑
   - Hex Code: 
   - Palette Description: The coal black text color offers a high contrast against the background, ensuring legibility. It is perfect for body text and headings, providing clarity and readability.

Note: This color palette includes the requested eight colors, covering the main color, accent color, neutral color, background color, and text color.