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#6C757D Made in the Shade
#FFDD57 Glitter is not Gold
#4AA0D5 High Blue
#F4F7F9 Chef’s Hat
#2B7A7E Jade Jewel
#4B0082 Indigo

Color palette for a weather app

Palette Description

Color Palette for a Weather App:

1. Stormy Gray:
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: This color represents stormy gray skies, creating a sense of impending rain or bad weather.

2. Sunny Yellow:
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: This vibrant yellow shade resembles the bright sunshine, symbolizing clear and sunny weather.

3. Clear Blue:
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: This shade of blue reflects clear skies, representing pleasant and calm weather conditions.

4. Cloudy White:
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: This soft white color represents cloudy skies, indicating partially obscured or overcast weather.

5. Rainy Teal:
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: This deep teal shade signifies rainy weather, resembling the color of raindrops and creating a cool and wet atmosphere.

6. Thunderstorm Purple:
   - Hex Code: 
   - Description: This dark purple hue represents thunderstorms, evoking a sense of dramatic and intense weather conditions.