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#FF1744 Energy Red
#2196F3 Active Blue
#4CAF50 Fresh Green
#212121 Strong Black
#FFEB3B Vibrant Yellow
#9E9E9E Calm Gray

Design a color scheme for a fitness app

Palette Description

Sure! Here is a color palette for a fitness app:

 <Fitness App Color Palette>
1. Energy Red - 
                         - Represents passion and intensity in workouts
2. Active Blue - 
                         - Symbolizes motivation and focus during exercise
3. Fresh Green - 
                         - Evokes feelings of vitality and health
4. Strong Black - 
                         - Provides a sleek and modern touch to the design
5. Vibrant Yellow - 
                         - Adds a pop of color for positivity and optimism
6. Calm Gray - 
                         - Balances the palette with a sense of stability and neutrality