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#000000 Midnight Black
#00AEEF Electric Blue
#00FF00 Neon Green
#808080 Asphalt Gray
#FF9AA2 Millennial Pink
#FFD700 Street Yellow

color palette for a streetwear brand called Kaws

Palette Description

Color Palette for Kaws Streetwear Brand:

1. Color Name: Midnight Black
   Hex Code: 
   Description: This deep black shade represents the mysterious and edgy side of Kaws streetwear. It adds a sleek and modern touch to the brand's designs.

2. Color Name: Electric Blue
   Hex Code: 
   Description: This vibrant blue hue brings a bold and eye-catching element to the Kaws brand. It symbolizes energy and a futuristic vibe, perfect for streetwear enthusiasts.

3. Color Name: Neon Green
   Hex Code: 
   Description: This intense green shade exudes a sense of youthful energy and creativity. It captures attention and adds an electrifying pop to the Kaws brand's visual identity.

4. Color Name: Asphalt Gray
   Hex Code: 
   Description: This neutral gray tone represents the urban environment and street culture that inspires Kaws streetwear. It adds a versatile and contemporary touch to the color palette.

5. Color Name: Millennial Pink
   Hex Code: 
   Description: This soft and playful pink shade adds a touch of femininity and trendiness to the Kaws brand. It appeals to a diverse range of fashion-forward individuals.

6. Color Name: Street Yellow
   Hex Code: 
   Description: This vibrant yellow hue represents the boldness and liveliness of the streets. It adds a sunny and energetic element to the Kaws brand, catching attention wherever it goes.

Overall, this color palette for Kaws streetwear blends dark and edgy shades with vibrant pops of color, creating a visually appealing and contemporary aesthetic that resonates with the brand's urban audience.