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#FF4500 Energy Red
#00FF00 Fresh Green
#4169E1 Strong Blue
#FFA500 Active Orange
#808080 Balance Grey

Design a color scheme for a fitness app

Palette Description

Sure! Here is a color palette for a fitness app:

 <Fitness App Color Palette>
1. Energy Red - 
                         - A vibrant red color symbolizing energy and motivation.
2. Fresh Green - 
                         - A refreshing green color representing health and vitality.
3. Strong Blue - 
                         - A strong blue shade signifying strength and determination.
4. Active Orange - 
                         - An active orange hue evoking enthusiasm and action.
5. Balance Grey - 
                         - A balanced grey tone providing a neutral backdrop for other colors.

This color palette combines vibrant shades like Energy Red and Active Orange with calming tones like Fresh Green and Balance Grey to create a dynamic and motivating visual experience for a fitness app. Let me know if you need any further adjustments or additional colors!