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#333333 Graphite
#C0C0C0 Silver
#00BFFF Electric Blue
#FFFFFF Pure White
#36454F Charcoal
#FFC0CB Soft Pink

Color palette for photographer portfolio

Palette Description

Color Palette:

1. Color Name: Graphite
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: A deep, dark gray that represents the sleek and modern aesthetic often associated with technology. It adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to the portfolio.

2. Color Name: Silver
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: A light gray shade that complements the graphite color. It adds a sense of professionalism and modernity to the portfolio, giving it a sleek and polished look.

3. Color Name: Electric Blue
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: A vibrant and eye-catching blue that represents the technological aspect of the portfolio. It adds a pop of color and energy, making the portfolio visually appealing and engaging.

4. Color Name: Pure White
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: A clean and crisp white that symbolizes purity and simplicity. It creates a sense of balance and allows the photographs to take center stage, emphasizing the photographer's skills and talent.

5. Color Name: Charcoal
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: A dark grayish-blue shade that adds depth and richness to the color palette. It complements the other colors and adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the portfolio.

6. Color Name: Soft Pink
   Hex Code: 
   Palette Description: A delicate and soft pink that adds a touch of femininity and warmth to the portfolio. It balances out the coolness of the other colors, making the overall visual experience more inviting and pleasing.

This color palette combines modern and technology-inspired hues, such as graphite, silver, and electric blue, with softer tones like pure white, charcoal, and soft pink. It aims to create a visually appealing and contemporary look for a photographer portfolio, while still maintaining a sense of professionalism and elegance.