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#808080 Stark Grey
#FFD700 Lannister Gold
#B22222 Targaryen Red
#000000 Baratheon Black
#228B22 Tyrell Green
#43464B Greyjoy Iron

game of thrones

Palette Description

Color Palette: Game of Thrones Edition

1. Color Name: Stark Grey
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Inspired by the noble House Stark, this shade of grey represents their unwavering loyalty and resilience. It embodies the cold and harsh environment of the North, echoing their motto, "Winter is Coming."

2. Color Name: Lannister Gold
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Symbolic of the wealthy and powerful House Lannister, this golden hue signifies their opulence and ambition. It reflects their lion sigil and their famous phrase, "A Lannister always pays his debts."

3. Color Name: Targaryen Red
   Hex Code: 
   Description: The fiery red of House Targaryen represents their connection to dragons and their fierce determination. This bold color symbolizes their legacy of conquest and the burning passion within their bloodline.

4. Color Name: Baratheon Black
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Signifying the mighty House Baratheon, this deep black shade embodies power and authority. It represents their resilience and the dark secrets that lie within their family history.

5. Color Name: Tyrell Green
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Inspired by House Tyrell, this vibrant green color symbolizes their wealth, growth, and influence over the fertile lands of the Reach. It signifies their mastery of diplomacy and their ability to thrive in any situation.

6. Color Name: Greyjoy Iron
   Hex Code: 
   Description: This dark iron shade represents House Greyjoy and their connection to the unforgiving sea. It symbolizes their resilience, determination, and the harsh and brutal nature of their ironborn culture.

These six colors form a Game of Thrones-inspired palette that captures the essence of each major house and their distinct characteristics within the realm of Westeros.