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#FF4500 Energy Red
#00FF00 Active Green
#0000FF Strong Blue
#FFFF00 Vitality Yellow
#808080 Balance Gray
#FFA500 Motivation Orange
#800080 Wellness Purple

Design a color scheme for a fitness app

Palette Description

 Fitness App
1. Energy Red - 
                         - Energetic and powerful
2. Active Green - 
                         - Fresh and lively
3. Strong Blue - 
                         - Trustworthy and dependable
4. Vitality Yellow - 
                         - Optimistic and uplifting
5. Balance Gray - 
                         - Neutral and modern
6. Motivation Orange - 
                         - Vibrant and motivating
7. Wellness Purple - 
                         - Calming and soothing

Follow-up question: Do you have any specific preferences for the primary color of the app interface?