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#ED6A5A Terracotta
#F4F1BB Cream
#9BC1BC Sage
#5D576B Ash
#E6EBE0 Mist

Use these colors: ED6A5A F4F1BB 9BC1BC5D576B E6EBE0

Palette Description

<Earthy Tones>
1. Terracotta - 
                         - A warm reddish-orange color
2. Cream - 
                         - A soft, light yellow color
3. Sage - 
                         - A muted green with hints of grey
4. Ash - 
                         - A cool, smoky greyish-blue color
5. Mist - 
                         - A pale, subtle shade of grey

Do you have a preference for the primary color in this palette or any specific use case in mind for these colors?