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#A5AABD Lavender Gray
#E1CDCE Pale Pink
#F2EDF5 Lavender Mist
#F4E3D5 Peachy Cream
#B0E0D8 Mint Frost

#A5AABD, #E1CDCE, #F2EDF5... generate three more colours.

Palette Description


1. Lavender Gray - #A5AABD - a soft grayish purple 2. Pale Pink - #E1CDCE - a delicate pale pink 3. Lavender Mist - #F2EDF5 - a light lavender with a hint of gray 4. Peachy Cream - #F4E3D5 - a warm peachy cream 5. Mint Frost - #B0E0D8 - a cool minty green``` Do you have a specific use case or theme in mind for this color palette?