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#FF5733 Primary
#FFC300 Secondary
#FF33E0 Secondary
#F0F2F5 Light Background
#D3D3D3 Light Background
#B0B0B0 Light Background
#333333 Dark Background
#1A1A1A Dark Background
#000000 Dark Background
#E8E8E8 Placebo
#666666 Dark Border

Hex code 9B3175

Palette Description

Sure, I’ll generate a color palette based on your requirements.

 <Vibrant Harmony>
1. Primary - 
                         - A vibrant and energetic orange hue
2. Secondary - 
                         - A bright and sunny yellow shade
3. Secondary - 
                         - A bold and playful pink tone
4. Light Background - 
                         - A soft and soothing light grey
5. Light Background - 
                         - A slightly darker light grey for depth
6. Light Background - 
                         - A subtle and elegant light grey for contrast
7. Dark Background - 
                         - A deep and rich charcoal grey
8. Dark Background - 
                         - A darker grey for a more dramatic effect
9. Dark Background - 
                         - A classic black for a sleek look
10. Light Border - 
                         - A light grey border for subtle separation
11. Dark Border - 
                         - A darker grey border for contrast

I have created a color palette named “Vibrant Harmony” which includes a vibrant primary color of orange, complemented by secondary colors of bright yellow and bold pink. The background colors range from soft light greys to deep charcoal greys for both light and dark themes. Additionally, there are light and dark border colors to harmonize with the rest of the palette.

Do you have any specific preferences for the saturation levels of the colors or any other requirements for the color palette?