Huehive Logo


#3498db Blue
#2ecc71 Green
#e74c3c Red
#9b59b6 Purple
#e67e22 Orange
#95a5a6 Gray
#000000 Black

graph LR A[客户需求] -->|内部资源池&员工招聘| B(员工储备与供应) B -->|员工培养与职业规划| C(员工考核激励) C -->|员工风险防范| D{供应人员质量满足客户要求} D -->|员工信息安全风险管理| E(员工违法风险管理) E -->|员工流失风险管理| F(服务能力下降风险管理) F -->|提高服务质量| G(客户满意度提升) C -->|员工考核激励| H(员工晋升激励) H -->|考核奖励激励| C

Palette Description

I have generated a color palette based on the given query:

 <Employee Management>
1. Blue - 
                         - Main color representing employee management
2. Green - 
                         - Color for positive aspects like employee training and career planning
3. Red - 
                         - Color for risks and challenges such as employee turnover and legal issues
4. Purple - 
                         - Color for employee assessment and incentives
5. Orange - 
                         - Color for employee promotion and rewards
6. Gray - 
                         - Color for general elements like connections and processes
7. Black - 
                         - Color for key decision points like meeting nodes

Do you have any specific preferences for the color palette, such as different shades or additional colors to include?