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#FFFFFF Holy White
#90C3D4 Heavenly Blue
#FFD700 Angelic Gold
#6A0DAD Sacred Purple
#5D8B4D Serene Green
#8B4513 Faithful Brown
#808080 Tranquil Gray

church colour palette

Palette Description

 <Church Color Palette>
1. Holy White - 
                         - Represents purity and light
2. Heavenly Blue - 
                         - Symbolizes the sky and heaven
3. Angelic Gold - 
                         - Signifies divinity and glory
4. Sacred Purple - 
                         - Associated with royalty and spirituality
5. Serene Green - 
                         - Represents growth and renewal
6. Faithful Brown - 
                         - Symbolizes grounding and stability
7. Tranquil Gray - 
                         - Signifies balance and neutrality

These colors are inspired by the serene and sacred atmosphere of a church. Do you have a specific type of church or denomination in mind for this color palette?