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#000000 Elegant Black
#B76E79 Rose Gold
#0F3057 Midnight Blue
#E1B382 Champagne Gold
#F8F9FA Pearl White

Design a color palette for a fashion brand

Palette Description


  1. Elegant Black - #000000 - Represents sophistication and style
  2. Rose Gold - #B76E79 - Adds a touch of glamour and femininity
  3. Midnight Blue - #0F3057 - Elegance with a hint of mystery
  4. Champagne Gold - #E1B382 - Radiates luxury and opulence
  5. Pearl White - #F8F9FA - Symbolizes purity and grace

This color palette is designed to evoke a sense of luxury, elegance, and sophistication, perfect for a fashion brand.

Do you have a specific target audience in mind for this fashion brand?