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#000000 Midnight Black
#FFFFFF Pure White
#FFB6C1 Blush Pink
#4169E1 Royal Blue
#DAA520 Goldenrod Yellow

Design a color palette for a fashion brand

Palette Description


  1. Midnight Black - #000000 - Deep and elegant black
  2. Pure White - #FFFFFF - Clean and timeless white
  3. Blush Pink - #FFB6C1 - Soft and feminine pink
  4. Royal Blue - #4169E1 - Regal and sophisticated blue
  5. Goldenrod Yellow - #DAA520 - Vibrant and luxurious yellow

This color palette for a fashion brand combines classic and elegant colors like black and white with softer, feminine tones like blush pink, and adds a touch of sophistication with royal blue and a pop of luxury with goldenrod yellow.

Do you have a specific target audience or style in mind for the fashion brand?