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#E9C1EF Pastel Lavender
#D1AA01 Pastel Gold
#ED3022 Pastel Pink
#F4908D Pastel Rose
#AB1308 Pastel Red
#65641D Pastel Olive
#FFB1BB Pastel Pink
#B21652 Pastel Red
#F46C68 Pastel Salmon
#751212 Secret Scarlet
#862914 Pastel Brown
#F5ECDB Pastel Ivory

Write the pastel equivalents of these colours. For these colors,just reply with hexcodes,E9C1EF D1AA01 ED3022 F4908D AB1308 65641D FFB1BB B21652 F46C68 751212 862914 F5ECDB

Palette Description

1. Pastel Lavender - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of E9C1EF
2. Pastel Gold - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of D1AA01
3. Pastel Pink - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of ED3022
4. Pastel Rose - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of F4908D
5. Pastel Red - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of AB1308
6. Pastel Olive - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of 65641D
7. Pastel Pink - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of FFB1BB
8. Pastel Red - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of B21652
9. Pastel Salmon - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of F46C68
10. Pastel Red - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of 751212
11. Pastel Brown - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of 862914
12. Pastel Ivory - 
                         - Pastel equivalent of F5ECDB