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#FFC0CB Baby Pink
#FFFFE0 Pale Yellow
#98FF98 Mint Green
#E6E6FA Lavender
#FFDAB9 Peach
#87CEEB Sky Blue


Palette Description

1. Baby Pink - 
                         - Soft and delicate pink
2. Pale Yellow - 
                         - Light and airy yellow
3. Mint Green - 
                         - Fresh and calming green
4. Lavender - 
                         - Gentle and soothing purple
5. Peach - 
                         - Warm and inviting orange
6. Sky Blue - 
                         - Serene and peaceful blue

The Pastel color palette consists of soft, light, and gentle colors that evoke a sense of tranquility and innocence.

Do you have a specific use case or project in mind for this color palette?