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#c00000 Fire Red
#e85526 Flame Orange
#f39d22 Sunburst Yellow
#404040 Charcoal
#b41f1f Ruby Red
#c75f3a Burnt Orange
#f2a62b Goldenrod
#525252 Steel
#961414 Crimson
#f1b031 Cheesy Cheetah

Please create a color palette based off of RGB's 192,0,0 and 232,85,38 and 243,157,34, and 64,64,64, Make it a 10 color palette please

Palette Description

 <Vibrant Fire>
1. Fire Red - 
                         - Bold and intense red
2. Flame Orange - 
                         - Fiery and energetic orange
3. Sunburst Yellow - 
                         - Bright and sunny yellow
4. Charcoal - 
                         - Deep and modern gray
5. Ruby Red - 
                         - Rich and deep red
6. Burnt Orange - 
                         - Warm and rustic orange
7. Goldenrod - 
                         - Vibrant and golden yellow
8. Steel - 
                         - Strong and sleek gray
9. Crimson - 
                         - Dark and velvety red
10. Amber - 
                         - Warm and glowing orange

Follow-up questions:

  1. Do you have any specific preferences for the distribution of these colors in the palette?
  2. Are there any particular usage scenarios or emotions you would like these colors to evoke?