Huehive Logo


#FF6B6B Primary
#6BFFB8 Mint Bliss
#F5F5F5 White Smoke
#E0E0E0 Kingly Cloud
#CCCCCC Silverback
#333333 Carbon
#2C2C2C The End
#262626 Nero
#D1D1D1 Pinball
#636363 Border Dark
#FFDF6B Lemon Tart

Business website to create custom marketing campaign

Palette Description

 Marketing Campaign
1. Primary - 
                         - A vibrant red color to grab attention for important elements.
2. Secondary 1 - 
                         - A refreshing mint green to provide balance and harmony.
3. Secondary 2 - 
                         - A bright yellow for highlighting secondary information.
4. Background Light 1 - 
                         - A light gray background for a clean and professional look in light theme.
5. Background Light 2 - 
                         - A slightly darker gray for subtle contrast in light theme.
6. Background Light 3 - 
                         - A soft gray for additional depth in light theme.
7. Background Dark 1 - 
                         - A dark gray background for elegance and sophistication in dark theme.
8. Background Dark 2 - 
                         - A deeper gray for emphasis in dark theme.
9. Background Dark 3 - 
                         - A charcoal gray for richness and depth in dark theme.
10. Border Light - 
                         - A light gray border for subtle separation in light theme.
11. Border Dark - 
                         - A dark gray border for clear distinction in dark theme.

Follow-up questions:

  1. Do you have any specific preferences for the primary color, such as brand colors or industry standards?
  2. Would you like to incorporate any additional accent colors for specific elements on the website?
  3. What is the overall mood or emotion you want to convey through the color palette for the marketing campaign customization website?