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#191970 Midnight Blue
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#F6F6F6 Birch White
#FFD700 Cuckoo Yellow

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Palette Description


1. Midnight Blue - #191970 - Represents the darkness and silence of the room. 2. Sky Blue - #87CEEB - Symbolizes the blue sky that the hero sees. 3. Birch White - #F6F6F6 - Reflects the birch trees in the vision. 4. Cuckoo Yellow - #FFD700 - Represents the sound of the cuckoo bird. This color palette captures the contrast between the dark, silent room and the vivid imagery of a blue sky, birch trees, and the sound of a cuckoo bird. Each color symbolizes a different aspect of the hero's experience in this moment.``` What specific emotions or atmosphere would you like the color palette to evoke? Any particular style or mood you have in mind?