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#FF5733 Primary
#F5F5F5 White Smoke
#E0E0E0 Kingly Cloud
#CCCCCC Silverback
#333333 Carbon
#1A1A1A Dark Moon
#000000 Black
#999999 Million Grey
#666666 Dark Border
#33FF57 Cathode Green
#337AFF Hadfield Blue

bright and minimal

Palette Description

Sure, I can help with that.
Here is the color palette based on your requirements:

 <Vibrant Harmony> 
1. Primary - 
                         - A vibrant and energetic orange
2. Secondary 1 - 
                         - A fresh and lively green
3. Secondary 2 - 
                         - A calming and serene blue
4. Light Background 1 - 
                         - A light gray with slight saturation
5. Light Background 2 - 
                         - A slightly darker shade of gray for light theme
6. Light Background 3 - 
                         - A subtle gray for light theme
7. Dark Background 1 - 
                         - A dark gray with slight saturation
8. Dark Background 2 - 
                         - A slightly lighter shade of gray for dark theme
9. Dark Background 3 - 
                         - A deep black for dark theme
10. Light Border - 
                         - A soft gray for borders in light theme
11. Dark Border - 
                         - A darker gray for borders in dark theme

Do you have any specific preferences for the primary color or any other aspect of the color palette?