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#1A237E Dark Blue
#2196F3 Light Blue
#00BCD4 Cyan
#009688 Teal
#000000 Black
#483D8B Dark Slate Blue
#1E90FF Dodger Blue

Ocean blue website

Palette Description

 Ocean Blue
1. Dark Blue - 
                         - primary dark background color
2. Light Blue - 
                         - primary light background color
3. Cyan - 
                         - primary call-to-action color
4. Teal - 
                         - secondary color
5. White - 
                         - text color for light theme
6. Black - 
                         - text color for dark theme
7. Dark Slate Blue - 
                         - link text color for dark theme
8. Dodger Blue - 
                         - link text color for light theme


The “Ocean Blue” color palette is inspired by the tranquil colors of the ocean. It features a deep Dark Blue as the primary background color for dark theme, and a refreshing Light Blue for the light theme. The Cyan color serves as the primary call-to-action color, while Teal adds a complementary touch as the secondary color. White and Black are used as text colors for light and dark themes respectively. For link text, Dark Slate Blue is used for the dark theme, while Dodger Blue adds a pop of color for the light theme.

Follow-up questions:

  1. Are there any specific color shades or tones you prefer for the background colors?
  2. Would you like any additional colors or variations added to the palette?