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#000000 Black
#004b1e Dark Green
#05196e Dark Blue
#6e297f Dark Purple
#ffb8ce Light Pink
#ff3c00 Red
#ffa000 Gold
#feead3 Light Peach

#000000 #004b1e #05196e #6e297f #ffb8ce #ff3c00 #ffa000 #feead3

Palette Description

 <Dark Autumn> 
1. Black - 
                         - Represents strength and sophistication
2. Dark Green - 
                         - Symbolizes growth and harmony
3. Dark Blue - 
                         - Signifies stability and depth
4. Dark Purple - 
                         - Evokes luxury and creativity
5. Light Pink - 
                         - Conveys sweetness and femininity
6. Red - 
                         - Radiates energy and passion
7. Gold - 
                         - Represents elegance and prosperity
8. Light Peach - 
                         - Symbolizes warmth and softness