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#FFFDD0 Cream
#FFDAB9 Peach
#AFEEEE Pale Blue
#D3D3D3 Light Grey
#FFB6C1 Soft Pink

COLOR PALETTE for google sheet budget spreatsheet, i want it to be light, fun, a bit of vintage and classy and low contrast

Palette Description

 <Google Sheet Budget> 
1. Cream - 
                         - light and classy
2. Peach - 
                         - fun and vintage
3. Pale Blue - 
                         - light and calm
4. Light Grey - 
                         - low contrast and professional
5. Soft Pink - 
                         - subtle and elegant

The color palette for the Google Sheet Budget spreadsheet is designed to be light, fun, with a touch of vintage and classiness. The colors are soft and subtle, creating a calming and professional look with low contrast.

Do you have a preference for any specific color tones or shades within this palette?