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#B7410E Rust
#E9A446 Honey
#333333 Asphalt
#B79EE8 Morning Sky Purple
#FFC0CB Pink

low contrast palette consisting of rust, honey, asphalt and conversely refreshing morning sky purple and pink. must have some sense of cohesion

Palette Description

<Low Contrast Cohesive Palette>
1. Rust - 
                         - a warm bronzey red-brown
2. Honey - 
                         - a bright and golden yellow
3. Asphalt - 
                         - a dark and neutral grey
4. Morning Sky Purple - 
                         - a soft and calming purple
5. Pink - 
                         - a gentle and soothing light pink

This color palette consists of warm earth tones like rust and honey, balanced with neutral shades like asphalt. The addition of morning sky purple and pink brings a refreshing and calming contrast to the palette, creating a cohesive and low contrast overall feel.

Do you have any specific preferences for the distribution or usage of these colors in a design?