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#F4D03F Sunshine Yellow
#FFA64D Coral Orange
#FFC0CB Cotton Candy Pink
#87CEEB Sky Blue


Palette Description

 <Sunny Vibes> 
1. Sunshine Yellow - 
                         - A bright and cheerful yellow that evokes feelings of warmth and happiness.
2. Coral Orange - 
                         - A vibrant orange that brings energy and enthusiasm, reminiscent of a sunny day.
3. Cotton Candy Pink - 
                         - A soft and playful pink that adds a touch of sweetness and fun.
4. Sky Blue - 
                         - A calm and refreshing blue that represents clear skies and tranquility.

This color palette, “Sunny Vibes,” captures the essence of a bright and cheerful day, blending warm and cool tones to create a harmonious and uplifting atmosphere.

What specific project or application do you have in mind for this color palette?