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#000000 Black
#333333 Charcoal
#1C1C1C Jet Black
#353839 Onyx
#4B4B4B Coal

Pure black

Palette Description

 <Pure Black Palette>
1. Black - 
                         - The purest form of black, representing elegance and sophistication.
2. Charcoal - 
                         - A dark gray that adds depth, often used to create contrast.
3. Jet Black - 
                         - A slightly lighter black with a hint of warmth, providing a softer alternative.
4. Onyx - 
                         - A rich black with subtle undertones, giving it a luxurious feel.
5. Coal - 
                         - A medium-dark gray that can soften the starkness of pure black.

This palette is built around the concept of black, incorporating various shades and tones to provide depth and contrast while maintaining the elegance associated with black.

What kind of project are you working on that requires a pure black palette? Are there any specific emotions or themes you want to convey?